Wednesday, March 24, 2010


SHAH ALAM – Seorang lelaki (OKT) yang berusia 38 tahun dipercayai membunuh teman wanitanya di rumah kediamannya sendiri dengan menggunakan kain tudung apabila mendapat tahu bahawa teman wanitanya itu akan berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki pilihan keluarga beliau.

Menurut siasatan terperinci yang dijalankan oleh pihak polis dan ahli kimia di hospital, mereka menafikan kata-kata lelaki tersebut dengan mengatakan teman wanitanya mati akibat minum racun setelah bersetuju untuk membunuh diri bersama-sama akibat kecewa dengan keputusan kedua orang tua wanita berkenaan yang akan mengahwinkan anaknya dengan lelaki lain (SP12).

Jiran OKT berkata telah melihat OKT adalah orang yang terakhir dilihat bersama dengan si mangsa. Menurut jirannya juga, tidak lama selepas melihat mereka berdua masuk ke dalam rumah OKT, OKT telah lari datang ke rumahnya dalam keadaan yang tidak waras dan memberitahu bahawa teman wanitanya sudah mati akibat minum racun dan kemudiannya OKT telah rebah.

Menurut pendakwa raya, OKT kelihatan seperti tidak merasai kehilangan teman wanitanya kerana air mukanya yang slumber dan ini menunjukkan bahawa beliaulah yang membunuh teman wanitanya itu.

Tambahan pula, siasatan telah mengatakan OKT telah menjerut leher si mangsa dengan menggunakan kain tudung yang dipakai si mangsa kemudian OKT meminum racun rumpai supaya ingin mengaburi mata orang lain bahawa beliau tidak bersalah.

Ahli kimia telah berkata bahawa ujian yang dibuat mengesahkan bahawa tiada apa-apa racun berada di dalam badan si mangsa seperti apa yang diberitahu oleh OKT apabila beliau sendiri telah melihat teman wanitanya itu meminum racun berkenaan selepas beliau.

Hakim mendapati OKT bersalah dan hukuman beliau akan dibicarakan pada perbicaraan akan dating di mahkamah Shah Alam.

Monday, March 22, 2010

KEBENARAN-Take Note Teenagerz

Kita tak perlu jadi orang lain
untuk mendapatkan perhatian,
Kita tak perlu selalu pandang ke depan
kerana inginkan kemashyuran,
Kita patut bangga menjadi
diri kita yang sebenar,
Menjadi seorang yang bukan
‘Duplicate’ kepada sesiapa,
Kadang-kadang kita perlu juga
untuk menoleh ke belakang
demi memajukan diri kita,
Pengalaman patut kita jadikan
‘Sifu’ utama bagi diri kita,
Pernah tak kita terfikir
kenapa orang selalu berwaspada
dengan diri kita?
Mudah saja, kerana kita tak pernah
atau jarang tunjukkan keajaiban
yang kita ada pada mereka,
Kita sendiri tak konfiden dan takut-takut
untuk berhadapan dan buat apa yang
kita mampu buat…
Awas! Buat apa yang kita mampu buat,
Bukan apa yang mampu kita buat
Jadi, buktikan dan buka mata mereka
semua akan keajaiban kita,
Semaikan rasa yakin dan berani
menghadapi apa jua halangan serta
anasir-anasir buruk yang bakal kita
Selepas kita keluarkan keajaiban kita,
Tiada alasan lagi untuk mereka
berwaspada dengan kita,
Kebenaran ada dengan kita jika
kita mampu buktikannya…


From generation to generation..From the oldies to the newest..And from the ancient times the most up-to-date we can see fashion is become more important to those people who notable how arts the fashion is nowadays.

Fashion is very general as we can see in many sides of view and when we talk about fashion, it is not only for women but also to man. Fashion can be included from head to toe along with from the accessories to the outfits. Hair also can be one of a fashion despite of others.

Fashion is not only being favorable by the youngsters but also to the adults because fashion is not states only to the adolescents. It is for everyone no matter which background he or she comes.

As we can see nowadays, many of teenagers wears many types of fashion and some of them wearing like a very weird outfits and styles such as tear jeans, lots of earrings, sharp bangles, odd styles of hair and so many more.

Not only to those who are in high school but to the students in university too. This is like a common fashion for them and seems like it is not a weirdo for them and for some adults because they started to get used to it. They sometimes idealized by the celebrities they do like for instance, Lady Gaga, Muse, MCR, Korean and Japan celebrities and so many more.

The more fashion are created, the more request from the customers. Here, I am speaking about the teenagers who are eager to have what they want and some of them willing to cut the cost of the food they spend before just for fulfill their dream items and sort of. Yes, this is happening too many of people out there included the writer herself. :)

High school students will ask their parents for money and lied to them about paying their tuition fees, buying text book and more. For what? Yes, shopping.

Some of the students who get a loan from any financial organization will immediately withdraw their money and what come first in their mind is SHOPPING. Nothing else rather than that because for them, having a new items or new styles making them perfect and they will be deeply satisfied.

It is also happens to the workers teenagers who they, themselves have feel to have a money by their own. The salary they get may not be given to their parents but for the shopping. Shopping for them is one of the most important things in their list compare to anything else no matter how expensive or how cheap it is but shopping is very interesting and satisfying even for me. Again… ;)

Thus, I bet all the teenagers would like to agree with me about this article but allow me to give some tiny advice that is be wise and think twice in buying something. Do not affect your other vital things if you buy those your dream things or spending in sort of styles. Shopaholic is good but not too much.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Orphan is the movie which is a very challenging for the audience to understand and go with the flow of the movie plot. It started when a tragic loss of unborn child (Jessica) has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. They decided to adopt Esther, a 9 year-old Russian girl they had met, from the local orphanage.

Kate grows suspicious when Esther, who watched Kate and John have sex, expresses far more knowledge of sex and its slang than would be expected for a child her age. Not long after Esther arrives, she pushes a schoolmate down a playground slide, who had picked on her, breaking her ankle. She is also hurt her brother and sister (Danial and Max). She also like her own adopt father and tries to attract him. Kate is told by the orphanage that they cannot find any record of the Russian orphanage Esther came from. However, John does not believe her, despite continued ominous behavior by Esther.

Kate learns that Esther was housed at a mental institution in Estonia called the Saarne Institute, but when she expresses misgivings to John, he and her counselor think that Kate is relapsing into her drinking habit. After John produces the other bottle Kate bought the night before, he threatens to leave her unless she gets help.

Danial has been murdered by Esther in the hospital after she have hurted him and Kate believes that Esther whom killing her son and she tried to hit her but the doctor gave her a sedative. As Kate is coming out of sedation, she gets a call from the Saarne Institute's director, Dr. Värava, who reveals that Esther isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth, and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl. The doctor tells Kate that Esther is dangerously psychotic, and Kate should rush home to her family.

As the ending for the story, Kate and Esther struggle as Esther attempts to stab Kate. Max is watching the struggle from above the pond, and comes down the hill to grab the gun that was dropped during the chase. She shoots the ice, which cracks and both Kate and Esther fall in. Kate crawls out of the hole, followed by Esther, who begs for her life, addressing Kate as "Mommy". Kate angrily responds that she is not her mother and kicks Esther in the face, possibly breaking her neck and sending her back into the pond.

From the side of the story, many of norms and values can be seen such as loves, anger, revenge, jealousy and more. A girl who has a disease that she cannot really accept her fewer finally has a mental problem. Then, she started acted weird and psycho. Tries to attracted attentions from someone she loves who is her adopt father and became so fierce and gets to demolish her adopt mother. At this side, this poor girl is having a serious problem that supposedly the responsible person who knew she has a disease like this should take a good care of her. Moreover, she have to be attended the psychiatric because not everyone could accepted that she has a hypopituitarism.

The evil thing insides the Esther should be flatten in the beginning by the sisters in the orphanage not until she has done an evil thing to the family. So, the bad things would not be happen to them as goes to the ending of the story. She should be counseling in the orphanage not just let her do her own stuffs and acted like deviance compare to other kids.

The audience should seize some moral of this movies into their life such as be more concern to the surrounding even you closely knew the person. Then, it also does give a lesson to the audience who has a weird disease, they should try to accept it not to revenge it to other innocent people as to satisfy your own feelings.

The fear character that brought by the kids of Kate and husband is normal to other typical kids especially after they have been warned by Esther that she would harm them if they do tell their parents about what she did before that refers of her crimes. As parents, they should be alarmed of their kids nature and personality like if they started to act weird and hiding something. Do not ignore it and does not care about them because at the end, it will affect them too.

The husband of Kate as for me, he should trust her own wife rather than his adopt daughter. As assuming his wife is drunk or what so ever, he should reconsider what makes Kate talk’s bad things about Esther because it must be roots that make Kate talked like that. Not just simply came out from his wife. If he trusted what his wife said before, the more bad things would not happen to the family.

From my own opinion, 'ORPHAN' is a interesting movie that must be watch by everyone because despite of the director put some value of elements, he also touches the audiences feelings and makes them likely to say "what happen next.." and sort of. So, there is no "wasting " word if it comes to this movie.

Monday, March 8, 2010

T-nagers only..

Well, life is too boring without some1 besides us..susah nk komunikasi..hidup jadai messy..darah straight jadi tinggi & emosi pulak mulai t’ganggu…that's why la kot wujudnye gang2 emo..(haha..agaknye la kot..)

Sometimes, what we wish xsemestinye maybe banyak yg xdapat dari dapat..ade je yg xkena..kurang sane sini…tlebih sini sane…life…memang la cmtu..if semua yg kite wish tu dapat, x mencabar ar hidop..1 day..we will notice dat all kind of diz stuff la yg mematangkn kite...

Certain of people memang sometimes don't really get it pe yg cube kite sampaikn..mesti nye ade sorang dua & skali dua yg sala paham..& when dat happens, mula r touching2 la..jwe kacau la..tekanan perasaan..emosi xstabil..kecelaruan tenage dalaman, tenage batin sume la..mcm2 tol!!! tu psal la org cakap think 1st b4 u made a decision and say or do sumthng..nnt, kite gak yg ternganga sala cakap @ tmalu sndiri..

1 more thing tentang cinte..haha..bnda ni memang agak general..pada yg sedang bcinta..kau la segalanye padaku..u r my whole n u r mine is gud when both of them feel da same way & trust each other..gud 2 hear they live hepily ever after(cam fairy tales la plk..hee) on the other hand, pada hubungan yg sedang retak 2…emm..ko mmg jantan xgune..pompuan gonjeng..#$@%$ bla bla bla!!!! macam2 la yg keluar kn..adat bercinte memang ade pasang surutnye…cube la settle baik2 selagi bole k…ha…ni pulak..2 those yg da break up plk..err..maybe ade yg suke..ade yg berduka..@ ade yg terpakse…ade macam2 criteria yg membuatkn mereka jadi “janda” or “duda”..ade yg ditinggalkan dan ade yg meninggalkan..ade yg rase bersalah dan ade yg rase xbersalah…btw, sume org ade perasaan..wat is left 2 do 4 those like dat is..sabar..sabar is da rite thing 2 do..time will heal it 4 u even it takes time..u’ve 2 pack urself 4 diz..maybe some1 will come 2 ur life or maybe org lame akan kembali..nk single pun bole  …xsape yg mara..idop kte kn..biarla kte yg tentukan sendiri..
So, renung2 kn..dan selamat beramal guys…

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kahwin Lari

Ikutkan kata hati mati, ikutkan rasa, badan binasa. Peribahasa ini ada kaitannya dengan tajuk di atas di mana sudah ramai remaja kini melakukan perkara yang tidak sepatutnya iaitu kahwin lari. Kadang-kadang terlintas juga di fikiran, tidak ada mak ayah ke mereka sehingga sanggup mengenepikan hak orang tua mereka sebagai penjaga mereka selama ini.

Dek kerana terlalu ikutkan kata hati sangat, kedua orang tua sanggup di abaikan dan sanggup lari ke seberang untuk bernikah.

Ya, memang bernikah di seberang Thailand amat murah. Walaubagaimanapun, tidak guna juga tanpa restu ibu dan ayah. Bukankah tanpa restu mereka, tidak bahagialah kehidupan mereka sebagai suami isteri kelak. Entahlah, mungkin mereka terlalu muda untuk memikirkan itu semua.

Cuti seminggu memang memberi saya pelbagai input baru. Selain daripada kes sukakan ibu sendiri, kes seperti kahwin lari ini juga amat hangat diperkatakan sekarang lebih-lebih lagi ia terjadi kepada orang yang terdekat dengan saya.

Apa tidak pentingkah lagi orang tuanya pada dirinya? Sudah butakah hatinya sehingga sanggup berbohong kepada orang tuanya tentang apa yang telah berlaku? Remaja zaman sekarang, pantang dibelai manja, ucapkan kata-kata manis sedikit sudah cukup untuk melenturkan rasa hormatnya pada ibu dan ayahnya sendiri dan ikutkan kata-kata si kekasih. Nak katakan tiada agama, si dia bertudung. Bahkan, ibu ayahnya sangat tegas dalam bab-bab agama ini tetapi si buah hati dan ayah kepada si buah hatinya telah menjanjikan hidup yang cukup indah di masa hadapan (kononnya) buat dirinya.
Ah! ayah mertuanya pun 2x5. Dia adalah seorang agen yang sudah bertahun-tahun melakukan perkara seperti ini dimana merealisasikan impian remaja-remaja mahupun orang tua untuk bernikah di seberang. Paling mengejutkaan, dia adalah seorang kakitangan yang bekerja di organisasi Tabung Haji dan seorang pak aji. Dialah yang menghasut anak lelakinya dan kekasih anaknya untuk bernikah di seberang hanya kerana kos di sana murah. Patut ke? Sekarang, pihak polis sedang melakukan siasatan terhadap beliau setelah ibu dan ayah menantunya sudah membuat aduan kepada seorang ustazah dan sudah pastinya dia kini sedang berada di dalam ketakutan kerana rahsianya telahpun terbongkar ke pengetahuan besannya.

Berbalik kepada si anak itu tadi, dalam diam dia merahsiakan perkara yang sangat penting daripada pengetahuaan ibu dan ayahnya sendiri. Sudahlah kahwin lari, sehinggakan mengandung pun tidak diberitahu kepada orang tua beliau. Yang paling pelik sekali, walaupun si anak sudak mengandung selama 5 bulan pun masih tidak di sedari oleh si ibu dan ayah. Orang kata, ayah mertuanya telah memberikan ‘air mineral’ kepada si menantu bagi membutakan mata ibu dan ayah menantu dari mengetahui kewujudan bayi di dalam rahim anaknya. Mungkin juga…

Sesudah lahirnya bayi tersebut, barulah ayah mertua dan ibu mertuanya pergi ke rumah ibu dan ayahnya memberitahu perkara yang sebenar. bayangkan perasaan seorang ibu dan bapa apabila menegtahui anaknya sudah bernikah malah sudahpun melahirkan anak. Nak marah pun tak guna, benda sudah pun jadi. Nama pun anak, adalha sekali mereka menjenguk si anak dan cucu di rumah besannya namun sehingga sekrang mereka masih tidak percaya bahawa si anak sanggup melakukan perkara sebegitu rupa.

Kini, sudah 2 bulan si anak melahirkan bayinya tetapi, baru sekali itulah mereka mejenguk cucunya. Hati bukan boleh dipaksa walaupun mereka masih boleh menerima anaknya kembali tetapi arang yang si anak contengkan ke muka amat mengecilkan hati mereka. Dia sebagai anak yang sulong tidak sepatutnya membuat perkara ini lebih-lebih lagi dia mempunyai adik-adik dan sapatutnya dia menunjukkan tauladan yang baik kepada adik-adiknya bukan yang buruk.

Sadisnya, beliau masih terlalu muda berumur 20 tahun dan masih lagi belajar, masih lagi ditanggung oleh ayahnya. Walaupun sekarang ibu dan ayahnya sudah mengetahui benda yang sebenar namun, wang saraan masih diberi oleh ayahnya kerana kasihankan anaknya yang tidak mempunyai banyak wang. Si suami hanya bekerja makan gaji di maxis, apalah sangat gajinya untuk menyara anak orang dan bayi yang memerlukan banyak belanja itu. Tambahan pula, hanya mereka berdua sahaja tinggal di rumah sewa. Tidak lagi duduk di rumah ibu dan ayah si lelaki. Mereka tidak boleh hidup seperti pasangan lain yang mewah kerana masalah ekonomi. Apalah sahaja hanya satu motosikal mereka bergerak kesana sini lebih-lebih lagi sudah mempunyai anak. Kereta pun kadang-kadang mereka pinjam daripada ibu dan ayah si isteri untuk memudahkan pergerakan mereka.

Inikah yang dikatakan bahagia? Apalah salahnya tunggu beberapa tahun lagi untuk berkahwin apabila masing-masing mempunyai ekonomi yang kukuh untuk melayari bahtera sebagai suami isteri bersama. Mungkin sudah terlanjur barangkali. Agaknya.

Apa yang paling saya kasihankan di sini ialah ibu dan ayahnya. Mendengar cerita ini dari mulut orang tuanya sendiri sambil melinangkan air mata sudah cukup membuatkan hati saya sangat sebak dan tumpah simpati. Anak yang selama ini disanjung-sanjung akhirnya telah menconteng arang di muka mereka sendiri. Hendak tidak hendak, si tua itu jugalah yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan semua orang bagi memberitahu bahawa anaknya sudah bernikah.

Jadikanlah ini sebagai satu pengajaran bagi kita semua. Janganlah anggap perkahwinan itu sesuatu yang mudah dan seronok. Ia akan menjadi suatu beban dan berat jika kita menipu kepada orang tua kita dan tidak dapat memberikan kesempurnaan terhadap anak kita kelak. Kasihanilah orang tua kita, mereka punya hak dalam kehidupan kita.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Benar itu tetap benar,
Apa yang benar tak patut
disangkalkan lagi,
Salah itu tetap salah,
Buat apa nak ditegakkan benang
yang basah,
Kadang-kadang kita berasa terlalu
yakin dengan benda disekeliling kita..
Yakin dengan keputusan,
Yakin dengan pendapat
atau yakin dengan orang yang kita sayangi,
Baguslah jika kita yakin dengan
itu semua,
Itupun kalau semua itu sahih
dan bukannya palsu,
Namun,apa yang menyesakkan kita
adalah kebenaran yang kita sangkakan
sebenarnya palsu belaka,
Sakit hati kita tiada siapa yang tahu,
Sampai di suatu tahap ianya benar-benar
menguji tahap maksima kesabaran kita,
Wujudlah perkara-perkara negatif seperti
tekanan, marah serta waspada tak kira masa,
tempat dan siapa,
Pahit getir seseorang itu amat memeritkan
jika ianya berulang kembali,
Jadi, perlu juga waspada itu…
Tapi, kita perlu bijaksana dalam
menguruskan kehidupan kita sendiri,
Fobia dan terlalu spesifik menjadikan
kita orang yang membosankan
dan rumit,
Perlunya kehadiran percaya akan
kenyataan yang berlaku dalam setiap
ruang hidup kita,
Ianya menjadi intipati dalam segenap
kawasan di sekeliling kita,
Mahu tak mahu kita wajib bersemuka jua,
Apa yang benar, kita raikan
Apa yang salah, kita betulkan atau
ekspresikan ketidakpuasan kita dengan
cara yang paling efektif…

Pretending is h*** !

Pretending to be damn strong is good but sometimes it kills you. In supplementary, ko akan merasa sakit dada dengan tahap paling maximum till u can’t endure yourself with your “pretending” and the worst part is you will still keep pretending over and over again till you reach at one point where ko akn berasa life is so boring..adding with sick and bla bla bla..bodoh la weyh nak pretend2 watpe?? it’s great people around us look at us and says that we are great and praise us like h*** (KONONNYE..)but sampai bila nak jadi camni kan?? sampai tua?? huh, sampai ke tua jugakla ko akan rasa hidup ni xenjoy...

Wat for nak pretend2 lagi?? Bukan boleh jadi kaya pun..duit still minta mak bapak jugak..pocket makin kering..purse mkin nipis..kepala makin pusing..hati makin gusar..dowh, stop it need to do this kinda things yourself..busuk pun busuk la janji you are not being a hypocrite are living as a you..actually, org yg hypocrite tu sebenarnya adalah org yg paling lemah sekali if dicomparekn dgn org sakit HIV tau..HIV? bole la tu..ha…tau x??? Cuma apa yg penting just remind yourself to be a better person and enjoy each moment and second of your life with joy..wink wink..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

likes his own mom??WT…!!!

It’s normal when we loves our mom but it’s started weird when we likes our mom. I mean, not as a mom, but more than that, or should I mention girlfriend? Yes, it happens here in Malaysia and and truth is we had heard about this issue before but I still surprised when I heard about this story right from my own aunt (mom’s sis) as she told me that a friend of her is being ‘admired’ by her own son herself since long time ago.

This is really shocked me off awfully because this is a forbidden in our religion’s rules or even in our country’s legal. This guy (unknown name), who before raised by his granny and used to lived with her doesn’t lived together with his mom. Since his mom were divorced with his dad, she started to worked by herself and left her son to be guarded by her mom. So, her son didn’t get really know her and once he saw her mom, he started likes her mom.

His mom who lives alone in a rent house was happy when her son wanted to moved there and live with her but unfortunately, she started to realized that her son seems to be acted in a different way, not as a normal son.

What happened? He appeared to get mad when his mom went outside to buy things or talking to anyone else especially to a men. The obviously was, he tries to rape his mom and luckily she has ran away and get out from that house.

The stupidest thing was, she does tell this matter to her neighbour including my aunt but she never tell to the police or other powerfull person because of she scared of her son where he did told her that he will harm her if she does telling someone about this.

The neighbours tries to tell the police but she refused to allow it even she really hates her dumb son. His son which is about 27 year old is actually has a bit of mental problem since he had an accident last several years and known as a ‘rempit-sejati’ by the neighbourhood.

He before involved in drugs and alcohol, got an accident when he was on his bike ride in a prohibited match with his friends were crashed by a car and ongoing from that scene, he has a mental problem.

As we go through from this story, do remind ourselves that don’t be so naive and brainless to fall in love with our own mom or dad even you doesn’t have a mental problem. Nevertheless, this thing had happened before to a normal person. Take this as a kowlegde and do tell your friends about this story to remind them about what happened. This is a sober matter and it supposed not to be happen in a family organization. Just have a good faith and InsyaAllah you will not get involves in this situation.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

student's life

Many of us surely had gone through or is going through a student’s life. I mean, attend classes, doing bundles of assignments, and meet the faculty officers to settle anything that hasn’t settled yet and more. It’s totally right when sometimes all these kinds of things would make students like depressed, tension, eager and erghhh!!! However, back to the reality, it is a normal situation for a student facing these things and they aren’t a student if they haven’t gone through those things.

Awake at the middle of the night or still awake till dawn is kind of normal for a student. They might do their works, watching movies, surf internet, study and what so ever. Sometimes, when they have finished their works, they will hang out with their friends whether in their room or outsides their hostel and house chit-chatting about classes, lecturers, gossiping and talking about many of issues.

There are also moment that you’ve been mad by your lecturers, your assignments has been rejected, get into trouble with your mates and so on. Still, it is part of a student’s life where every people had gone through.

As times goes by, all the memories that they have done before in a university will be saved in their mind and it’s quite interesting when you reminiscing it when you working someday. You know, done all the stuffs before with your housemates, roommates, classmates, lecturers and so on. You will be missing them after done all things together, laughed together, cried together, shared things together and all together or even opposed certain issues together.

And right after you’ve graduate, you might notice terribly felt that the real thing about a student’s life is so interesting and enjoyable. Not every people could further his or her studies to university as you can. So, enjoy every moment and seconds each in your day as a student. ;)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The word scandal in dictionary means false and injurious talk but here, I don’t want to talk about that scandal. The scandal that I meant is about having an affair with other person even though you now are in relationship with someone else. This thing happened not only to teenagers but to married couples too despite the fact that they have been married for many years. However, mostly it happened to teenagers nowadays and for them, it is a normal and not a big deal to act like that to their partner.

As we can see today, teenagers are eager to have an affair because for them it is like a tradition no matter boys or girls. Having two handphones at the same time and get very busy to treat two person or more at the same day and surely it will effect their studies or work. Looking for another aspect, it also could make them to waste their money by going out, put makeups, transportation, credits or top-ups, lunch or dinner, go to watch movies and many more. The worst part is when they’ve cheated to their partner’s best friend. Yes, it has happened for many times and it’s not just will break the relationship between the couple but also to the friendship that has been goes for a long time.

Betraying your partner or in other word is your GF/BF, is an unethical in relationship and this can cause a severe effect in relationship. Take a deep breath, inhales and exhales then, think about the future of your relationship. Should it be fantastic or disaster? Therefore, for those teenagers out there, do think about the consequences or penalty of your own action. Maybe, you might think that you are just pulling your legs but for the victim (GF/BF), it hurts them a lot and ask yourself, do you feel hilarious if your partner doing the same thing you did to her/him or do you feel bad same as they are? You have the answers.

It can’t be denial that you’ll feel you’ve a lot of loves around you and your life is completed. However, you’re similar to kill her/him not physically but inside. Just imagine you are in her/his condition, what will you feel? Is it a good feeling? If you think you will feel good, ask your partner to do so to you and you will feel the real ‘GOOD’ that you’ve think before.

What about if your dad get into a scandal and what do you think might happen to your mom? Will she feel so hypnotize by that? Don’t think about yourself, don’t be selfish. Love your lover and don’t betray her/him. Don’t think that she/he may not know about your ‘THING’ because your partner will feel something is wrong and hesitate about your loyalty. The time she/he finds out you’ve cheated her/him, she/he will not doubt to leave you for a good guy/girl they can trust. The feud that you’ve created will eat up yourself and there’s no need to be apologetic because it’s too late for you to regret for what you’ve done.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

uniknya Malaysia...

Nama Malaysia sudah semestinya terkenal di seluruh pelusuk dunia dengan keunikannya yang tersendiri dan masih penuh dengan nilai-nilai moralnya yang disegani oleh banyak negara. Keunikan Malaysia dipandang dari aspek yang pelbagai termasuk budaya, makanan, pakaian, kepercayaan, bahasa dan lain-lain lagi.

Sudah ramai yang tahu bahawa Malaysia adalah negara yang mempunyai pelbagai bangsa yang terdiri daripada bangsa melayu, cina, india, portugis, baba nyonya, bidayuh, iban, kadazan dan banyak lagi. Banyaknya bangsa dan kaum di bumi Malaysia ini, menjadikan negara ini sebagai salah satu negara yang popular untuk dilawati oleh negara-negara luar. Mereka boleh mempelajari pelbagai perkara daripada setiap kaum dan bangsa di Malaysia ini yang tidak terdapat di sesetengah negara .

Bukan sahaja mempunyai pelbagai bangsa dan kaum, malah, Malaysia juga terkenal dengan pelbagai perayaan seperti contohnya hari raya aidilfitri, hari raya haji, tahun baru cina, thaipusam, hari gawai dan macam-macam lagi. Hari-hari perayaan seperti ini bukan sahaja disambut oleh masyarakat yang berkenaan itu sahaja tetapi boleh juga disambut oleh masyarakat lain. Sebagai contoh, ada juga orang cina yang melawat ke rumah orang melayu semasa perayaan hari raya aidilfitri dan begitu juga dengan sebaliknya.

Selain daripada itu, dari segi kepelbagaian pemakaian juga amat unik dan menarik minat para pengunjung untuk mengetahui dan memakainya. Contoh pakaian yang terkenal adalah seperti pakaian tradisional baju kurung, baju melayu, cheongsam, samfu, sari dan lain-lain lagi. Setiap pakaian mempunyai keunikan masing-masing dan ramai juga bangsa lain yang memakai pakaian daripada bangsa lain untuk dijadikan pakaian seharian atau ke majlis-majlis tertentu. Lewat kebelakangan ini, pakaian-pakaian kaum di Malaysia sudah mencapai ke tahap yang lebih tinggi iaitu sudah sampai sehingga ke luar negara. Ini adalah perkara yang amat membanggakan rakyat Malaysia kerana bukan senang produk dari dalam negara untuk sampai ke luar negara.

Selain daripada pemakaian rakyat di Malaysia, makanan juga menjadi salah satu daripada perkara utama keunikan Malaysia. Dengan adanya rendang, ketupat, yong tau foo, tau foo fa, tosei, nasi lemak, teh tarik, satay, poori dan banyak lagi menjadikan Malaysia kaya dengan makanan-makanan yang lazat-lazat belaka. Makanan-makanan seperti ini bukan sahaja diminati oleh rakyat tempatan sendiri malah, diminati oleh orang luar yang datang berkunjung ke negara Malaysia. Ramai pengunjung yang mengaku dan membuat kenyataan bahawa makanan-makanan di Malaysia sangat sedap sehingga menjilat jari dan ingin mencubanya lagi.

Banyak lagi perkara tentang uniknya Malaysia seperti dari segi bahasa. Tidak dinafikan bahawa Malaysia mempunyai pelbagai bahasa atau dialek dari setiap daerah. Sebagai contoh, bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan, bahasa mandarin, tamil, dialek Kelantan, Terengganu, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah, Sarawak, Perak, Kedah dan lain-lain lagi. Bukan sahaja kita boleh mempelajari satu bahasa tetapi banyak bahasa dan dialek yang boleh dipelajari di sekolah-sekolah dan terus daripada bangsa atau kaum itu sendiri.

Seterusnya adalah tempat-tempat yang berada di sekitar Malaysia yang sudah semestinya menjaminkan kepuasan yang luar biasa untuk dilawati berbanding tempat-tempat di luar nagra. Contohnya ialah Pulau Langkawi, Genting Highlands, A Famosa, Gua Niah, Kota Kinabalu, Pulau Tioman dan banyak lagi. Tempat-tempat pelancongan di Malaysia bukan sahaja menarik namun indah dan boleh memukau sesiapa sahaja yang berkunjung ke sana. Bak kata orang, ‘datang sekali mahu pergi lagi.’ Di Malaysia juga terdapat banyak tempat yang bersejarah malah sudahpun diiktirafkan sebagai Khazanah Warisan Dunia iaitu negeri Melaka dan Pulau Pinang. Tidak rugi rasanya jika sesiapa sahaja yang datang berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang menarik di Malaysia kerana keindahan tempat-tempat ini tiada tolok bandingnya jika dibandingkan dengan bangunan-bangunan besi yang menghiasi negara-negara barat. Keaslian bumi masih terserlah di bumi Malaysia yang makmur ini.

Banyak lagi yang boleh dikaitkan dengan keunikan di Malaysia kerana Malaysia adalah negara yang banyak informasinya dan keasliannya yang tersendiri. Jadi, sebagai rakyat Malaysia, marilah kita sama-sama berbangga serta bersyukur di atas apa yang telah dikurniakan kepada kita iaitu negara Malaysia.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Ice-skating! Probably there’s a people who knew and doesn’t knew at all about this type of activities. Ice-skating is an indoor activity where located in certain places such as particular ice-skating hall or shopping mall for example in Sunway Pyramid. 

We can see lot of current teenagers doing bad activities such as hanging around with their peers without any motives, sees porno movies, joined illegal groups like Gothic and more. So, what’s the connection between both ice-skating and those bad activities? Good question buddy! Rather than doing those nonsense things, teenagers could join ice-skating club or just enjoy themselves there at any time that they want to and having their precious time with their family, friend or even GF/BF. 

In Sunway Pyramid, a ticket for ice-skating costs RM18.00 only. It’s quite affordable for any kind of people especially teenagers that wants to join this activity plus, you can spend a whole day in there once you have paid for the ticket. They are also provides socks and gloves where customers can buy them in such prices. They could go there once a week or once in two weeks whenever they intend to go.

This activity is quite interesting because it dares your ability in balancing your body and make you as a critical thinking such as you keep telling yourself that ‘I can do it! He can do it, she’ s so good, they are all really fast. So, why I couldn’t do that’. Therefore, you have bring yourself to another level which is you think positive and doesn’t giving up easily in having the skills in ice-skating like others there. 

In addition, ice-skating also can make yourself healthy and you’ll get a lot of sweat all of your whole body because you using your whole body to move on forward like legs, hands and what so ever even there’s an ice on the floor and seems like to be so cold but you involves in moving your body, so, that ‘cold’ thing doesn’t arise. Even you might get falling down, but the fact is, you will enjoy that time like in hog heaven because for most of the people there, for them it is fun and quite normal for the beginners. So, do not be so worry and ashamed. 

So guys out there, do try something new and don’t be so passive and know nothing about anything surrounding you. I’ve tried before and now it’s your turn. Ice-skating is good. Oyeah!! 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

what?? crush on me??

Someone has crush on u? wow!! Seronoknya bila ada hamba Allah ni suka kat kita kan..admirer la lagaknya kan..’apa nak buat eak?’ ‘owh..bila masa agaknya si dia start suka kat aku eak?’..’kenapa dia suka kat aku eak?’..’apa yang dia pandang pada aku sampai dia suka kat aku eak?’..maybe these Q is wat u might think when you’ve figured out that someone has fallen in love with u, right..well, it’s not a big deal when orang yang admire kat u all tu adalah orang yang u all minat & suka jugak.. as for the admirer tu pula, it must be easy la for he/she to settle kan feeling’s matter diorang tu..da tentulah orang yang diorang suka tu pon gives the same response..

Got certain cases macam si admirer ni suka kat u..but, dia kalo boleh tak nak u tau yang dia suka kat u..yela, takot kena gelak kan..he/she just trapped don’t know what to do..but the worst part is when someone that he/she likes doesn’t have feelings as well as dia feel kat that person..itu la yang paling diorang risaukan..nak2 si kawan kepada your admirer ni da bocorkan rahsia kat u yang si dia suka kat u tanpa pengetahuan ur admirer ni..obviously la he/she doesn’t know that u know he /she likes u, but by the time she finds out, she must be really2 punya malu & might be jugak la kan diorang terus tak nak fikir pasal u lagi coz perasaan malu dia tu extremely kills him/her more compare to perasaan dia kat u..actually, diorang still suka lagi kat u but maybe malu nak berhadapan dengan u lagi after all that..maksudnya lepas dia tau la u dah tau apa perasaan dia..

Yes, this one for those admirers yang anggap u ni juz popping for a while only in their life..yela, suka gitu2, if u reject pun dia sikit pun tak rasa goyah la..katanya..tapi nak poyo!! Usha bukan main ribut..cakap bukan main manis, haha ni jenis admirers yg, takda banyak story sangat la pasal kes2 admirer yang camni..

Some cases which is ended with a sad story when he/she really likes u but then u’ve rejected si dia..ya, it’s easy for u cause for sure la u doesn’t like si dia but it’s hard for he/she to accept it..tapi tak la suruh u all terima jer sesapa yang suka korang tu kan..takkan nak paksa diri sendiri pulak if da tak suka..juz nak cakap jer..diorang akan rasa betapa hancusnya hati..nak tercabot tangkai nyawa..KONONNYA..tapi never mind..time will heal it as time goes by..but maybe susah tok someone yang betul2 da lama suka kat u all..take years gak la tok diorang nak luahkan perasaan diorang kat u all..diorang akan rasa kecewa yang teramat, sakit yang teramat & sedih yang teramat..sumanya sad, kan..

So, for those admirers yang kat luar tu, jangan la terasa sangat if korang kena reject..lumrah hidop kan..perasaan ni tak boleh nak dipaksa..& janganlah berharap sangat..u can try but do not really hoping dat u will be accepted, at least u had tried..& for those yang ad admirer tu if korang tak suka jangan lah reject dengan teroknya..cakap elok2 k..diorang pon manusia as u all gak..juz make it in a good and nice way..& last but not least, if u all pon suka kat admirer u all tu juz tell him/her n jangan simpan u all punya feelings tu..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


(owh, gambar ini adalah kawan2 saya..bukan sape2 pon)
Jangan terkejut dengan ‘headline’ di atas, ia memang isu yang sangat hangat sekarang di mana ramai remaja yang dapat kita lihat kini menjadikan blog sebagai gelanggang mereka untuk bertelagah atau dalam erti kata lain, bercakaran mulut. Kebanyakan kes adalah seperti apabila adanya ‘blogger’ yang mengutuk atau mengata tentang seseorang yang mereka tidak berkenan. Mungkin ini dianggap seperti tidak memberi apa-apa kesan pun pada mereka namun hakikatnya, ini boleh menimbulkan rasa marah dan benci kepada orang lain.

Ada seorang kawan telah memberitahu bahawa dia telah melaga-lagakan kawan beliau dengan seorang lagi kawannya sehingga menyebabkan pertelagahan mereka dibawa sehingga keluar. Ini adalah contoh buruk si ’blogger’ kerana niatnya yang ingin melaga-lagakan kawan sendiri.

Ada banyak lagi kejadian yang lain yang telah terjadi atau sedang terjadi dimana ada segelintir ‘blogger’ yang meluahkan isi hati mereka dengan menyatakan ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap seseorang di blognya. Malangnya, orang yang berkenaan telah membaca tulisan yang ditujukan kepadanya dan dari situ mereka mula menulis keburukan sesama sendiri di dalam blog masing-masing. Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka pula menghasut ‘geng-geng’ mereka untuk melakukan perkara yang sama mengutuk, menghina, memaki dan macam-macam lagi.

Apa yang penting adalah pandai-pandailah kita menggunakan teknologi dan janganlah kita menyalah gunakan kebaikan teknologi. Sebetulnya, blog adalah tempat untuk kita berkongsi maklumat dan masalah. Bukan medium untuk menghina orang lain.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Di dalam seronok menyambut tahun baru dan sibuk membuat azam masing-masing untuk tahun 2010 yang mulia ini, Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan pemergian tokoh yang dikenali ramai iaitu bekas Menteri penerangan Tan Sri Muhammad Rahmat. Beliau dikatakan meninggal dunia pada umur 71 tahun akibat penyakit yang dialaminya iaitu diabetes dan kanser ialah juga bekas orang penting dalam UMNO sekitar tahun 1988 sehingga tahun 2004.

Tanggal 9 Januari 2010, kita sekali lagi dikejutkan dengan pemergian seorang lagi tokoh wanita iaitu wanita pertama yang dilantik menganggotai jemaah menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr Fatimah Hashim, 85. Beliau yang telah memulakan penglibatannya di dalam bidang politik seawal umur 21 tahun meninggal dunia akibat sakit tua, seorang yang amat luas pengetahuannya di dalam bidang politik. Beliau telah dikurniai darjah kebesaran Seri Setia Mahkota (S.S.M) oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong yang membawa gelaran ‘Tun’ pada tahun 2003.

Selepas pemergian beliau, diikuti pula dengan pemergian bekas Agong ke-6 Malaysia iaitu Allahyarham Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail, 77 bekas sultan negeri Johor pada tanggal 22 Januari. Kemangkatan Allahyarham Tuanku Sultan Iskandar yang telah memerintah Johor selama berpuluh tahun juga adalah disebabkan sakit tua yang dialaminya.

Sementalah mangkatnya Allahyarham sultan Johor, Tun Mohd Ghazali, 88 atau juga dikenali sebagai King Ghaz meninggal dunia pada tanggal 24 Januari. Beliau yang pernah berkhidmat dengan empat Perdana Menteri dengan menyandang pelbagai jawatan menteri meninggal dunia akibat sakit tua di kediamannya Persiaran Wangsa Bestari, Subang Jaya. Allahyarham seorang yang amat tegas dan dedikasi dalam menjalankan tugasnya amat disayangi oleh ramai pihak dan pemergiannya amat menyedihkan oleh ramai orang termasuk Perdana Menteri kita sekarang, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Kesemua tokoh di atas yang telah meninggalkan kita semua selamanya tiada gantinya dan dengan pemergian mereka semua, Malaysia telah kehilangan tokoh-tokoh yang berwibawa dan berkepimpinan. Tak perlu ditangisi lagi, kesemua mereka telahpun menghadap Yang Maha Esa di atas sana. Apa yang kita rakyat Malaysia mampu lakukan adalah berdoa ke atas ketenangan mereka di alam lain dan perlulah kita mengambil semangat mereka dalam membangun dan memperjuangkaa Malaysia seperti yang telah mereka semua lakukan.

Setiap tokoh-tokoh yang telah meninggalkan kita semua sudah pastinya meninggalkan kita seribu satu kenangan dan jasa yang membuatkan kita mengingati dan menghargai mereka sepanjang hidup kita. Bukan calang-calang orang yang boleh melakukan seperti mereka. Mereka bukan bermula dari atas, mereka berjuang dari bawah dan mengikuti pelbagai jenis seminar, ceramah, aktiviti-aktiviti, pembelajaran sehingga ke peringkat tinggi dan pelbagai lagi. Mereka bukanlah tokoh yang tiada ilmu di dada, permulaan mereka bukan senang seperti yang dijangka. Pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan serta tohmahan telah mereka lalui namun, itulah yang menjadikan mereka sehingga ke hari ini. Pemergian keempat-empat tokoh ini akan dikenang sampai bila-bila oleh generasi sekarang mahupun akan datang, insyaALLAH.

Tiada siapa yang gembira atas pemergian mereka, tiada siapa yang bersorak atas pemergian pemimpin-pemimpin terulung di atas, tiada siapa yang tersenyum lebar atas pemergian ke empat-empat beliau. Adapun, adalah segelintir manusia yang buta dan jahil dalam menilai sesuatu yang baik dan buruk. Namun hakikatnya, yang hidup perlu teruskan hidup. Jadikanlah mereka sebagai salah satu hero kita dalam mengharung hidup dan membangunkan serta menaikkan nama negara kita yang amat kita sayangi ini.

Friday, January 29, 2010

LRT 'crime'

Today I went to Mid Valley together with my other five friends to accompanied one of our friend buying a camera. From UiTM to Padang Jawa station, then we took KTM to K.L central. After that, we took commuter to Mid Valley and settled down our things. Finished all that, we went back to Mid Valley station to wait the next LRT to Padang Jawa station.

While waiting the LRT to arrive, I saw a teenage guy who did an illegal thing because he has been sat on the floor over the yellow line at the station. The yellow line means that people supposed not to get near to it because it might make people in dangerous situation. For example if you are depressed by a people while sat over the yellow line you might be descend down and hitted by the LRT which is move so prompt and that would cause you to die.

This guy was alone at that time and no one has warned him to not sat and moved behind from the yellow line. But then, after few minutes, there was a guard that guarded the LRT station there asked him to moved. The guard was not just asked that guy to moved behind, however, the guard was mad at him and told that what he did was extremely dangerous and has warned him to not do it again.

Just after have warned by the guard, that teenage boy moved and stood behind. The action that he did before was severely hazardous and I think if the guard doesn’t asked him to moved away, other people might follow his action. It has happened often focused teenagers at any station of LRTs, commuters and other public transport that has a railway. So, teenagers out there or even children and adult please do not follow and do the same thing that teenage boy I have told above because it is an unsafe action. Love your life and remember the people who loves you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Addicted To FACEBOOK

I’m fully sure everyone knew about Facebook. It is an non-verbal connection communication between one people to another . Basically Facebook is familiar and synonym among teenagers especially who are in college and university.

The goods about Facebook are first you can find new friends or even your long time friend in the Facebook because the immense possibility to contact with your school friends is high. Rather than that, you can also jot any notes that you wanted to share with your peers or new friends though and normally people will reply and give response based on what you jotted on. Still there are lot functions of the Facebook but what I really wanted to stress here is not about the benefits of Facebook but the petty people who really addicted to it.

Don’t be so surprise if I say that there are certain loyal occupied people of Facebook universe who put their time hours in front of their laptop or PC instead of doing other things. The emerge effects will definitely fallen on them for instance, unedequate sleep, eye-sore, headache and many more. This also can contribute into more deseases if they keep doing this habit and the effect will be shown in their late age impend.

Awake at the middle of the night or even still awake till dawn is sort of normal for them and from what I’ve seen, these group of people will getting uncomfortable during their sleep because they keep thinking on the Facebook. This is terribly for them to get 100 percent focus on their things such as study for the students and works for the workers. As time goes by, day by day they might go to straggling and introverting themselves away from others. This is maybe they feels that there’s no use to talk with people because they can communicate through Facebook.

As we can see right now, they have many difficulties in a lot of things, The isolation that they’ve create will make other people realize and worried towards them and we as a close friend or else must give support and some advise to get themselves not get too over into Facebook. So do it to your friends, sibling (s) or what so ever because sometimes they are too absorbed in their thing-Facebook.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


hi..basically i'm sooo new here and thanks u guys out there whoever that willing to read my posts.(even now she's the only 1 be my follower, pity me...heheh) I want to say sorry for the inconvenient that has or may have in my blog..surely i'm new so i need to learn a lot on my writing and combination of colors (cause i think there's too much color in my blog..heheh)..

oh ya, let me introduce myself. my name is norsiah and basically people do call me noi. i'm turning 22 this year & i'm from Malacca. mass communication student major in journalism and the reason why i do this blog is because of my lecturer for sure..(hee). he asked us, his students to do so as part of the, here it is, in this blog i chose teenagers' issues as my, keep check it up, okay.

i'm passionate in writing because i think the satisfaction will arise when you write something about any issues. plus, i do love travelling. since i have never been far away from Malacca (which is my hometown), Selangor (my mom's hometown), Johore (my ex university is there), N.Sembilan & K.L, that makes me really wanted to go all around the other states here in Malaysia or maybe around the world. [too much bubbling right?.. :) ] yes, i do have 4 sibling and i'm the youngest one.(sudah2 la tu noi..)

oraitt2, i'll stop here then..please do comment me and enjoy yourself here.. assalamualaikum... ;)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Seperti yang kita semua ketahui, arus kemodenan memberi impak yang sangat besar terhadap generasi terkini. Tidak kira dari sosial, ekonomi, insaniah dan lain2. Pelbagai isu yang pernah diketengahkan dalam membincangkan hal-hal seperti ini. Bermacam persoalan yang timbul dalam kita mendefinasikan apa erti sebenar arus kemodenan. Impak2nya terhadap manusia, positifnya terhadap setiap golongan masyarakat, hubungkaitnya antara dunia dan alam akhirat dan lain2.

Salah satu daripadanya adalah kemodenan yang ada pada hari ini telah disalahgunakan oleh generasi kini. Mereka membinasa, menyalaherti dan memberi apa yang tidak patut kepada apa yang telah dicipta dan diwujudkan oleh generasi2 yang terdahulu. Contoh yang paling terdekat adalah anak-anak remaja kita sendiri. Mereka membuat pelbagai masalah berkaitan dengan vandalisme, penciptaan virus di alam cyber dan bermacam lagi. Terlintaskah di fikiran mereka bahawa kesemua yang telah mereka lakukan itu memberi impak negatif kepada masyarakat. Dengan menimbulkan masalah2 seperti ini, tidak akan memberi apa2 faedah atau menjana sekelumit pun terhadap ekonomi negara.

Jika kita memberi pendekatan terhadap isu2 lain seperti membunuh diri, mencuri, merogol, pergaulan bebas dan pelbagai lagi, mereka yang tergolong dalam golongan sempit akal ini adalah di antara orang2 yang mendesak diri mereka menjadi orang yang lepas laku dan bertindak seperti binatang atau kehilangan orientasi. Maruah diri mereka dicampak di dalam lautan sampah yang penuh dengan keretakan insaniah di dalam diri mereka.

Permasalahan isu kurang siuman dan bunuh diri juga merupakan isu yang terbesar di kalangan generasi moden kini. Dengan tidak berlandaskan jalan yang tuju mereka mengabdi dan bertuhankan syaitan seolah2 tiada Tuhan disisi mereka. Kecelaruan fikiran dan keruntuhan moral boleh dilihat dari pelbagai aspek seperti keretakan ikatan hubungan kekeluargaan dan hubungan terhadap Tuhan mereka sendiri.

Dalam terlalu asyik mengejar arus kemodenan kerana gentar akan diperlekehkan oleh orang lain tidak up to date, terlalu kuno dan seangkatan dengannya, mereka lalai tanggungjawab mereka terhadap anak2, ibubapa, saudara-mara serta golongan yang lain. Pada mereka, mengeratkan silaturrahim tidak sepenting kuasa dan kemewahan. Ekoran daripada itu, wujudlah kes2 seperti lupa daratan, lupa asal-usul, kes pembuangan bayi, pembelotan antara keluarga sendiri dan bermacam lagi.

Ada juga yang mengabaikan kemoralan dalam diri sendiri sebagai contoh merasuah, mengsonglap wang syarikat, pecah amanah serta lain2 lagi. tidakkah mereka beasa bersalah terhadap apa yang telah mereka lakukan itu?

Ya, dalam kita membincangkan semua isu diatas, sudah semestinya ada juga penyebab lain. sebagai contoh, iklan-iklan atau rancangan2 yang dipaparkan di telivisyen. Lihat sahaja contoh iklan deodorant yang dahulunya jika kita kaji, model nya hanya akan memegang botol deodarant nya sahaja sambli tersenyum. Tetapi tidak sekarang, model nya akan menunjukkan ketiak mereka dan memakai pakaian yang seksi. Tidakkah itu dipanggil contoh yang bodoh untuk melariskan jualan mereka. Banyak lagi contoh2 yang lain jika hendak diuraikan satu persatu.

Tidak dinafikan, ada juga kesan2 yang positif dalam arus kemodenan ini tetapi di sebalik kebaikan2nya, terselit juga banyak kekusutan yang melanda. Apa yang paling penting di sini ialah kepintaran dalam menyelarutkan diri di dalam arus kemodenan ini. Perlulah kita sentiasa ingat bahawa generasi terdahulu tidak menjadikan generasi yang sekarang untuk menjadi seperti golonngan yang tiada hala tuju sebenar dalam hidup mereka. Jadi, beringat-ingatlah kita terhadap benda-benda yang lebih penting dari mengejar arus kemodenan.

Friday, January 22, 2010

UiTM students joined a carnival

SELANGOR: UiTM has lauched a small carnival that held in the main campus UiTM Shah Alam between the girls hostel called Mawar college and Melati College last Wednesday. The event was held around three days at the park called Dataran cendekia (DC) near to the food stalls.

As I can see there, there were certains students that have joined the carnival and be part of the salesman and saleswomen. That is, the students might wanted to earned another side of money to pension their life as a student. I also have been notable by my friend that most of the students were from degree student and came from many branch of courses.

My eye have catches these students sold varied of foods and items such as scarfs, accessories and many more. As for myself, I could say that these students gave us a good treated and friendly. Then, they worked really fast and seems so committed to their worked.

There were also salesman and saleswomen not from UiTM students. They were the outsiders like celcom people and more. They were also very friendly and being so nice to UiTM students.

Besides to earned side of money, there were students that wanted to gain knowledge by being part of the carnival. In a mean time, they also can learn how to communicate to the customers and plus can improves their interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, students can accessary something as their own experience and to the UiTM as well, institute that they study.

This could be one of way to show and can be example to other teenagers out there how to make money rather than just stayed at home doing nothing. At least, they could gain so much things doing business.