SELANGOR: UiTM has lauched a small carnival that held in the main campus UiTM Shah Alam between the girls hostel called Mawar college and Melati College last Wednesday. The event was held around three days at the park called Dataran cendekia (DC) near to the food stalls.
As I can see there, there were certains students that have joined the carnival and be part of the salesman and saleswomen. That is, the students might wanted to earned another side of money to pension their life as a student. I also have been notable by my friend that most of the students were from degree student and came from many branch of courses.
My eye have catches these students sold varied of foods and items such as scarfs, accessories and many more. As for myself, I could say that these students gave us a good treated and friendly. Then, they worked really fast and seems so committed to their worked.
There were also salesman and saleswomen not from UiTM students. They were the outsiders like celcom people and more. They were also very friendly and being so nice to UiTM students.
Besides to earned side of money, there were students that wanted to gain knowledge by being part of the carnival. In a mean time, they also can learn how to communicate to the customers and plus can improves their interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, students can accessary something as their own experience and to the UiTM as well, institute that they study.
This could be one of way to show and can be example to other teenagers out there how to make money rather than just stayed at home doing nothing. At least, they could gain so much things doing business.
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