Wednesday, March 24, 2010


SHAH ALAM – Seorang lelaki (OKT) yang berusia 38 tahun dipercayai membunuh teman wanitanya di rumah kediamannya sendiri dengan menggunakan kain tudung apabila mendapat tahu bahawa teman wanitanya itu akan berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki pilihan keluarga beliau.

Menurut siasatan terperinci yang dijalankan oleh pihak polis dan ahli kimia di hospital, mereka menafikan kata-kata lelaki tersebut dengan mengatakan teman wanitanya mati akibat minum racun setelah bersetuju untuk membunuh diri bersama-sama akibat kecewa dengan keputusan kedua orang tua wanita berkenaan yang akan mengahwinkan anaknya dengan lelaki lain (SP12).

Jiran OKT berkata telah melihat OKT adalah orang yang terakhir dilihat bersama dengan si mangsa. Menurut jirannya juga, tidak lama selepas melihat mereka berdua masuk ke dalam rumah OKT, OKT telah lari datang ke rumahnya dalam keadaan yang tidak waras dan memberitahu bahawa teman wanitanya sudah mati akibat minum racun dan kemudiannya OKT telah rebah.

Menurut pendakwa raya, OKT kelihatan seperti tidak merasai kehilangan teman wanitanya kerana air mukanya yang slumber dan ini menunjukkan bahawa beliaulah yang membunuh teman wanitanya itu.

Tambahan pula, siasatan telah mengatakan OKT telah menjerut leher si mangsa dengan menggunakan kain tudung yang dipakai si mangsa kemudian OKT meminum racun rumpai supaya ingin mengaburi mata orang lain bahawa beliau tidak bersalah.

Ahli kimia telah berkata bahawa ujian yang dibuat mengesahkan bahawa tiada apa-apa racun berada di dalam badan si mangsa seperti apa yang diberitahu oleh OKT apabila beliau sendiri telah melihat teman wanitanya itu meminum racun berkenaan selepas beliau.

Hakim mendapati OKT bersalah dan hukuman beliau akan dibicarakan pada perbicaraan akan dating di mahkamah Shah Alam.

Monday, March 22, 2010

KEBENARAN-Take Note Teenagerz

Kita tak perlu jadi orang lain
untuk mendapatkan perhatian,
Kita tak perlu selalu pandang ke depan
kerana inginkan kemashyuran,
Kita patut bangga menjadi
diri kita yang sebenar,
Menjadi seorang yang bukan
‘Duplicate’ kepada sesiapa,
Kadang-kadang kita perlu juga
untuk menoleh ke belakang
demi memajukan diri kita,
Pengalaman patut kita jadikan
‘Sifu’ utama bagi diri kita,
Pernah tak kita terfikir
kenapa orang selalu berwaspada
dengan diri kita?
Mudah saja, kerana kita tak pernah
atau jarang tunjukkan keajaiban
yang kita ada pada mereka,
Kita sendiri tak konfiden dan takut-takut
untuk berhadapan dan buat apa yang
kita mampu buat…
Awas! Buat apa yang kita mampu buat,
Bukan apa yang mampu kita buat
Jadi, buktikan dan buka mata mereka
semua akan keajaiban kita,
Semaikan rasa yakin dan berani
menghadapi apa jua halangan serta
anasir-anasir buruk yang bakal kita
Selepas kita keluarkan keajaiban kita,
Tiada alasan lagi untuk mereka
berwaspada dengan kita,
Kebenaran ada dengan kita jika
kita mampu buktikannya…


From generation to generation..From the oldies to the newest..And from the ancient times the most up-to-date we can see fashion is become more important to those people who notable how arts the fashion is nowadays.

Fashion is very general as we can see in many sides of view and when we talk about fashion, it is not only for women but also to man. Fashion can be included from head to toe along with from the accessories to the outfits. Hair also can be one of a fashion despite of others.

Fashion is not only being favorable by the youngsters but also to the adults because fashion is not states only to the adolescents. It is for everyone no matter which background he or she comes.

As we can see nowadays, many of teenagers wears many types of fashion and some of them wearing like a very weird outfits and styles such as tear jeans, lots of earrings, sharp bangles, odd styles of hair and so many more.

Not only to those who are in high school but to the students in university too. This is like a common fashion for them and seems like it is not a weirdo for them and for some adults because they started to get used to it. They sometimes idealized by the celebrities they do like for instance, Lady Gaga, Muse, MCR, Korean and Japan celebrities and so many more.

The more fashion are created, the more request from the customers. Here, I am speaking about the teenagers who are eager to have what they want and some of them willing to cut the cost of the food they spend before just for fulfill their dream items and sort of. Yes, this is happening too many of people out there included the writer herself. :)

High school students will ask their parents for money and lied to them about paying their tuition fees, buying text book and more. For what? Yes, shopping.

Some of the students who get a loan from any financial organization will immediately withdraw their money and what come first in their mind is SHOPPING. Nothing else rather than that because for them, having a new items or new styles making them perfect and they will be deeply satisfied.

It is also happens to the workers teenagers who they, themselves have feel to have a money by their own. The salary they get may not be given to their parents but for the shopping. Shopping for them is one of the most important things in their list compare to anything else no matter how expensive or how cheap it is but shopping is very interesting and satisfying even for me. Again… ;)

Thus, I bet all the teenagers would like to agree with me about this article but allow me to give some tiny advice that is be wise and think twice in buying something. Do not affect your other vital things if you buy those your dream things or spending in sort of styles. Shopaholic is good but not too much.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Orphan is the movie which is a very challenging for the audience to understand and go with the flow of the movie plot. It started when a tragic loss of unborn child (Jessica) has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. They decided to adopt Esther, a 9 year-old Russian girl they had met, from the local orphanage.

Kate grows suspicious when Esther, who watched Kate and John have sex, expresses far more knowledge of sex and its slang than would be expected for a child her age. Not long after Esther arrives, she pushes a schoolmate down a playground slide, who had picked on her, breaking her ankle. She is also hurt her brother and sister (Danial and Max). She also like her own adopt father and tries to attract him. Kate is told by the orphanage that they cannot find any record of the Russian orphanage Esther came from. However, John does not believe her, despite continued ominous behavior by Esther.

Kate learns that Esther was housed at a mental institution in Estonia called the Saarne Institute, but when she expresses misgivings to John, he and her counselor think that Kate is relapsing into her drinking habit. After John produces the other bottle Kate bought the night before, he threatens to leave her unless she gets help.

Danial has been murdered by Esther in the hospital after she have hurted him and Kate believes that Esther whom killing her son and she tried to hit her but the doctor gave her a sedative. As Kate is coming out of sedation, she gets a call from the Saarne Institute's director, Dr. Värava, who reveals that Esther isn't a 9-year-old girl at all, but a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth, and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl. The doctor tells Kate that Esther is dangerously psychotic, and Kate should rush home to her family.

As the ending for the story, Kate and Esther struggle as Esther attempts to stab Kate. Max is watching the struggle from above the pond, and comes down the hill to grab the gun that was dropped during the chase. She shoots the ice, which cracks and both Kate and Esther fall in. Kate crawls out of the hole, followed by Esther, who begs for her life, addressing Kate as "Mommy". Kate angrily responds that she is not her mother and kicks Esther in the face, possibly breaking her neck and sending her back into the pond.

From the side of the story, many of norms and values can be seen such as loves, anger, revenge, jealousy and more. A girl who has a disease that she cannot really accept her fewer finally has a mental problem. Then, she started acted weird and psycho. Tries to attracted attentions from someone she loves who is her adopt father and became so fierce and gets to demolish her adopt mother. At this side, this poor girl is having a serious problem that supposedly the responsible person who knew she has a disease like this should take a good care of her. Moreover, she have to be attended the psychiatric because not everyone could accepted that she has a hypopituitarism.

The evil thing insides the Esther should be flatten in the beginning by the sisters in the orphanage not until she has done an evil thing to the family. So, the bad things would not be happen to them as goes to the ending of the story. She should be counseling in the orphanage not just let her do her own stuffs and acted like deviance compare to other kids.

The audience should seize some moral of this movies into their life such as be more concern to the surrounding even you closely knew the person. Then, it also does give a lesson to the audience who has a weird disease, they should try to accept it not to revenge it to other innocent people as to satisfy your own feelings.

The fear character that brought by the kids of Kate and husband is normal to other typical kids especially after they have been warned by Esther that she would harm them if they do tell their parents about what she did before that refers of her crimes. As parents, they should be alarmed of their kids nature and personality like if they started to act weird and hiding something. Do not ignore it and does not care about them because at the end, it will affect them too.

The husband of Kate as for me, he should trust her own wife rather than his adopt daughter. As assuming his wife is drunk or what so ever, he should reconsider what makes Kate talk’s bad things about Esther because it must be roots that make Kate talked like that. Not just simply came out from his wife. If he trusted what his wife said before, the more bad things would not happen to the family.

From my own opinion, 'ORPHAN' is a interesting movie that must be watch by everyone because despite of the director put some value of elements, he also touches the audiences feelings and makes them likely to say "what happen next.." and sort of. So, there is no "wasting " word if it comes to this movie.

Monday, March 8, 2010

T-nagers only..

Well, life is too boring without some1 besides us..susah nk komunikasi..hidup jadai messy..darah straight jadi tinggi & emosi pulak mulai t’ganggu…that's why la kot wujudnye gang2 emo..(haha..agaknye la kot..)

Sometimes, what we wish xsemestinye maybe banyak yg xdapat dari dapat..ade je yg xkena..kurang sane sini…tlebih sini sane…life…memang la cmtu..if semua yg kite wish tu dapat, x mencabar ar hidop..1 day..we will notice dat all kind of diz stuff la yg mematangkn kite...

Certain of people memang sometimes don't really get it pe yg cube kite sampaikn..mesti nye ade sorang dua & skali dua yg sala paham..& when dat happens, mula r touching2 la..jwe kacau la..tekanan perasaan..emosi xstabil..kecelaruan tenage dalaman, tenage batin sume la..mcm2 tol!!! tu psal la org cakap think 1st b4 u made a decision and say or do sumthng..nnt, kite gak yg ternganga sala cakap @ tmalu sndiri..

1 more thing tentang cinte..haha..bnda ni memang agak general..pada yg sedang bcinta..kau la segalanye padaku..u r my whole n u r mine is gud when both of them feel da same way & trust each other..gud 2 hear they live hepily ever after(cam fairy tales la plk..hee) on the other hand, pada hubungan yg sedang retak 2…emm..ko mmg jantan xgune..pompuan gonjeng..#$@%$ bla bla bla!!!! macam2 la yg keluar kn..adat bercinte memang ade pasang surutnye…cube la settle baik2 selagi bole k…ha…ni pulak..2 those yg da break up plk..err..maybe ade yg suke..ade yg berduka..@ ade yg terpakse…ade macam2 criteria yg membuatkn mereka jadi “janda” or “duda”..ade yg ditinggalkan dan ade yg meninggalkan..ade yg rase bersalah dan ade yg rase xbersalah…btw, sume org ade perasaan..wat is left 2 do 4 those like dat is..sabar..sabar is da rite thing 2 do..time will heal it 4 u even it takes time..u’ve 2 pack urself 4 diz..maybe some1 will come 2 ur life or maybe org lame akan kembali..nk single pun bole  …xsape yg mara..idop kte kn..biarla kte yg tentukan sendiri..
So, renung2 kn..dan selamat beramal guys…